Jacqueline van der Meij
I am a postdoctoral researcher interested in understanding the neurophysiological mechanisms underpinning the function(s) of sleep. During my PhD at the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology in Seewiesen (Germany) under supervision of Dr.Niels Rattenborg and Dr. Gabriël Beckers (Utrecht University), I examined the function of sleep by using innovative electrophysiological techniques (e.g. high density array) to make acute and chronic, wireless recordings of brain activity, in both anaesthetized and naturally sleeping birds. In October 2019 I joined the Genzel Lab at the Radboud University, Nijmegen. Shifting to rodents, I will be using electrophysiological methods to study the role of sleep in memory consolidation, by looking into the hippocampal-PFC network while the rodents engage a new spatial navigation/memory task called the Hex Maze.
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1083-8208
Publications from the lab:
I Navarro-Lobato, A Aleman-Zapata, A Samanta, Mi Bogers, S Narayanan, A Rayan, A Alonso, J van der Meij, M Khamassi, Z Khan, L Genzel, (2023) Learning Fast and Slow: Increased cortical plasticity leads to memory interference and enhanced hippocampal-cortical interactions Elife (bioRxiv doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.11.21.517356)
Alonso, A., Samanta, A., van der Meij, J., van den Brand, L., Negwer, M., Navarro Lobato, I., & Genzel, L. (2023). Defensive and offensive behaviours in a Kleefstra syndrome mouse model. Animal Cognition. doi:10.1007/s10071-023-01757-2
Rayan, A., Agarwal, A., Samanta, A., Severijnen, E., van der Meij, J., & Genzel, L. Sleep scoring in rodents: Criteria, automatic approaches and outstanding issues. European Journal of Neuroscience, n/a(n/a). doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/ejn.15884
Samanta, A., Aleman-Zapata, A., Agarwal, K., Özsezer, P., Alonso, A., van der Meij, J., Rayan, A., Navarro-Lobato, I., & Genzel, L. (2023). CBD lengthens sleep, shortens ripples and leads to intact simple but worse cumulative memory. iScience bioRxiv, doi:10.1101/2023.02.28.530388
Aleman-Zapata A, van der Meij J, and Genzel L (2022) Disrupting ripples: methods, results and caveats in closed-loop approaches in rodents J Sleep Research
Alonso A, Bokeria L, van der Meij J, Samanta A, Eichler R, Spooner P, Navarro Lobato I, Genzel L (2021) The HexMaze: A previous knowledge and schema task for mice eNeuro (bioRxiv 441048)
Alonso A., van der Meij J., Tse D. & Genzel L. (2020) Naïve to expert: Considering the role of previous knowledge in memory Brain and Neuroscience Advances https://doi.org/10.1177/2398212820948686